Mount Ida College Men's Basketball

Single-Game Records

Individual Game Records
Team Game Records


Most points
Field goals made
Field goals attempted
Field goal percentage
3-point field goals made
3-point field goals attempted
3-point FG percentage
Free throws made
Free throws attempted
Free throw percentage
Most rebounds
Most assists
Most steals
Most blocked shots

Most points
  1. 41, Cam Walker; at Roger Williams; 11/15/13
     41, Dave Santos; vs Fisher College; 11/16/08
  3. 40, DIDICK, Josh; at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  4. 32, DIDICK, Josh; Thomas College; 1/17/04
     32, Joshua Didick; Becker College; 2 19 03
  6. 31, Cam Walker; vs Clark (Mass.); 11/16/13
     31, Chris Hamlett; at Lasell College; 1/11/03
  8. 30, DIDICK, Josh; Lasell College; 1/21/04
     30, DIDICK, Josh; at Husson College; 2-1-04
     30, Joey DeFillippi; Newbury College; 11/24/15
     30, Joshua Didick; at New England College; 2/9/02
     30, Keith Jones; at Emerson College; 1/19/12
     30, Otis Thompson; Suffolk University; 01/17/08
     30, Scott Chamberlain; Emmanuel College; 1 30 02
     30, Winston Sailsman; Becker College; 01/17/02

Field goals made
  1. 17, Cam Walker; at Roger Williams; 11/15/13
  2. 13, DIDICK, Josh; at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
     13, Ethan Dujon; at Wheelock College; 12/3/16
     13, Joshua Didick; Becker College; 2 19 03
     13, Joshua Didick; at New England College; 2/9/02
     13, Otis Thompson; Suffolk University; 01/17/08
  7. 12, Cam Walker; vs Clark (Mass.); 11/16/13
     12, Dave Santos; vs Fisher College; 11/16/08
     12, David Shaw; Anna Maria; 11/23/99
     12, Doug Williams; at Becker; 02/01/06
     12, Doug Williams; at Thomas College; 2/18/06
     12, Scott Chamberlain; at Johnston State Colleg; 2/2/03

Field goals attempted
  1. 30, Cam Walker; at Roger Williams; 11/15/13
  2. 25, Joshua Didick; at Fitchburg State Men; 1/21/03
     25, Joshua Didick; at New England College; 2/9/02
  4. 24, Joshua Didick; at Johnston State Colleg; 2/2/03
  5. 23, Ethan Dujon; at Wheelock College; 12/3/16
     23, Keith Jones; at Anna Maria; 12/08/11
     23, Scott Chamberlain; at Johnston State Colleg; 2/2/03
  8. 22, Cam Walker; Albertus Magnus; 12/3/13
     22, David Shaw; Anna Maria; 11/23/99
     22, Isiah Benjamin; Anna Maria; 1/12/12
     22, Isiah Benjamin; at Lasell College; 2.4.12
     22, Joshua Didick; vs Anna Maria; 11/23/22

Field goal percentage (8 made)
  1. 1.000, Thomas Belton; at Albertus Magnus Colle; 02/16/08 (8-8)
  2. .889, Andreas Vasiliu; at Thomas College; 2/18/06 (8-9)
     .889, Jesse Nelson; at Albertus Magnus; 02/18/17 (8-9)
  4. .833, Demetrius Cobb; Nichols College; 1/24/02 (10-12)
  5. .818, Doug Williams; University of Maine Farm; 1/14/06 (9-11)
     .818, Ethan Dujon; at Johnson & Wales (RI); 1/28/17 (9-11)
  7. .800, David Shaw; Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01 (8-10)
     .800, Doug Williams; at Thomas College; 2/18/06 (12-15)
     .800, Matt Bennett; at Eastern Nazarene; 11/19/08 (8-10)
     .800, Patrick McKearney; Emmanuel; 12/06/14 (8-10)
     .800, Patrick McKearney; at Lasell; 12/4/14 (8-10)

3-point field goals made
  1. 9, DIDICK, Josh; at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  2. 8, Michael Dunham; POLM0708; 11/25/07
  3. 7, DIDICK, Josh; Maine Maritime Academy; 2/20/04
     7, Greg Canzater; at Brandeis University; 02-04-03
     7, Isiah Benjamin; Anna Maria; 1/12/12
     7, Joey DeFillippi; Albertus Magnus; 2/7/17
  7. 6, Andreas Vasiliu; at Thomas College; 2/18/06
     6, DIDICK, Josh; Bridgewater State Colleg; 12/10/03
     6, Joey DeFillippi; Anna Maria; 1/27/16
     6, Joey DeFillippi; Norwich; 12/10/16
     6, Matt McGaughran; Eastern Nazarene College; 12/3/02
     6, Mike Dunham; at Becker; 02/01/06
     6, Richard Fredette; at University of New Eng; 1/10/202
     6, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 1/17/01
     6, Richard Fredette; at Babson College; 11/30/00
     6, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 2/13/02

3-point field goals attempted
  1. 16, Michael Dunham; POLM0708; 11/25/07
  2. 15, DIDICK, Josh; Maine Maritime Academy; 2/20/04
  3. 14, Isiah Benjamin; Anna Maria; 1/12/12
  4. 13, DIDICK, Josh; Bridgewater State Colleg; 12/10/03
     13, DIDICK, Josh; at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
     13, Joey DeFillippi; Albertus Magnus; 2/7/17
     13, Keith Jones; at Lesley University; 11/15/11
  8. 12, Joshua Didick; Lasell College; 2 6 03
     12, Richard Fredette; Maine Maritime Academy; 2/17/02
 10. 11, Greg Canzater; Castleton State College; 1/23/03
     11, John Oliver; at Pine Manor; 11/17/15
     11, Joshua Didick; at Johnston State Colleg; 2/2/03
     11, Keith Jones; Framingham State Uni; 12/10/11
     11, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 1/17/01
     11, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 2/13/02

3-point FG percentage (6 made)
  1. 1.000, Andreas Vasiliu; at Thomas College; 2/18/06 (6-6)
  2. .875, Greg Canzater; at Brandeis University; 02-04-03 (7-8)
  3. .750, Matt McGaughran; Eastern Nazarene College; 12/3/02 (6-8)
     .750, Richard Fredette; at Babson College; 11/30/00 (6-8)
  5. .692, DIDICK, Josh; at Johnson State College; 2/22/04 (9-13)
  6. .667, Joey DeFillippi; Norwich; 12/10/16 (6-9)
  7. .600, Joey DeFillippi; Anna Maria; 1/27/16 (6-10)
     .600, Mike Dunham; at Becker; 02/01/06 (6-10)
     .600, Richard Fredette; at University of New Eng; 1/10/202 (6-10)
 10. .545, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 1/17/01 (6-11)
     .545, Richard Fredette; at Becker College; 2/13/02 (6-11)

Free throws made
  1. 16, Jayson Clark; Johnson & Wales; 1/17/15
  2. 13, Joey DeFillippi; at Newbury College; 11/22/16
  3. 12, Dave Santos; vs Fisher College; 11/16/08
  4. 11, Doug Williams; at Husson College; 02-11-06
     11, Ethan Dujon; vs Colby Sawyer; 11/19/16
     11, Scott Chamberlain; Emmanuel College; 1 30 02
     11, Thomas Belton; at WHEELOCK; 1/7/08
  8. 10, David Shaw; Lasell; 11/30/99
     10, Demetrius Cobb; University of New Englan; 1/22/02
     10, Demetrius Cobb; Lasell College; 2-1-01
     10, Ethan Dujon; at Rivier University; 01/29/14
     10, Ethan Dujon; Rivier University; 2/21/15
     10, Matt Bennett; at Eastern Nazarene; 11/19/08
     10, Pat McLaughlin; Lasell College; 11/27/01
     10, Scott Chamberlain; at Elms College; 2/25/03
     10, Winston Sailsman; Becker College; 01/17/02

Free throws attempted
  1. 17, Jayson Clark; Johnson & Wales; 1/17/15
  2. 15, Thomas Belton; at WHEELOCK; 1/7/08
  3. 14, Dave Santos; vs Fisher College; 11/16/08
     14, Ethan Dujon; vs Colby Sawyer; 11/19/16
     14, Joey DeFillippi; at Newbury College; 11/22/16
     14, Matt Bennett; at Eastern Nazarene; 11/19/08
     14, Scott Chamberlain; at Fitchburg State Men; 1/21/03
     14, Thomas Belton; at Daniel Webster; 01/10/08
     14, Winston Sailsman; Becker College; 01/17/02
 10. 13, Chris Hamlett; at Lasell College; 1/11/03
     13, Dennis Ross; at Albertus Magnus; 02/23/17
     13, McGAUGHRAN, Matt; at Wentworth; 11/25/03
     13, Scott Chamberlain; Castleton State College; 1/23/03
     13, Treace Macklin; Wheelock; 1/23/14

Free throw percentage (6 made)
  1. 1.000, Adam Andrews; New England College; 12 10 02 (6-6)
     1.000, Alaster Spiers; at Salem State College; 12/7/00 (6-6)
     1.000, DIDICK, Josh; UMaine Farmington; 1/18/04 (6-6)
     1.000, DONAHUE, Joe; at Castleton State Colle; 1/27/04 (6-6)
     1.000, DONAHUE, Joe; at Husson College; 2-1-04 (6-6)
     1.000, David Shaw; Becker College; 2/24/01 (6-6)
     1.000, Doug Williams; vs Rhode Island College; 11/18/05 (6-6)
     1.000, Ethan Dujon; Anna Maria; 1/25/14 (6-6)
     1.000, Everett Ramirez; at Emmanuel College; 12/10/13 (6-6)
     1.000, Isiah Benjamin; Norwich; 2/2/2012 (7-7)
     1.000, Jacob Sartain; vs Hunter College; 11/21/14 (7-7)
     1.000, Jayson Clark; Anna Maria; 1/27/16 (8-8)
     1.000, Jayson Clark; Norwich; 12/10/16 (6-6)
     1.000, Jayson Clark; Albertus Magnus; 2/16/16 (7-7)
     1.000, Joey DeFillippi; at Saint Joseph's (Me.); 1/16/17 (6-6)
     1.000, Joey DeFillippi; at Anna Maria; 12/1/16 (6-6)
     1.000, Joey DeFillippi; at Wheelock College; 12/3/16 (6-6)
     1.000, John Oliver; Emmanuel; 01/09/16 (6-6)
     1.000, Johrone Bunch; at Rivier College; 01/31/09 (7-7)
     1.000, Johrone Bunch; at Norwich University; 02/12/09 (6-6)
     1.000, Johrone Bunch; Emerson College; 11/22/08 (8-8)
     1.000, Joshua Didick; vs Anna Maria; 11/23/22 (6-6)
     1.000, Keith Jones; at Emerson College; 1/19/12 (6-6)
     1.000, Kevin Conner; at Emmanuel; 2/4/15 (6-6)
     1.000, Matt McGaughran; vs Rhode Island College; 11/18/05 (6-6)
     1.000, Scott Chamberlain; at Elms College; 2/25/03 (10-10)
     1.000, Treace Macklin; Norwich; 2/19/14 (6-6)
     1.000, Winston Sailsman; at Curry College; 01/19/02 (6-6)

Most rebounds
  1. 22, David Shaw; Anna Maria; 11/23/99
  2. 21, David Shaw; Lasell; 11/30/99
  3. 20, David Shaw; Maine Maritime; 11/28/99
  4. 19, David Shaw; Anna Maria College; 11/21/00
     19, David Shaw; Curry College; 11/26/00
  6. 18, David Shaw; at Lasell College; 11/28/00
     18, Matt Bennett; Emmanuel College; 2/5/09
     18, Travis Hillery; at Fitchburg State; 12/06/11
  9. 17, Doug Williams; at Maine Maritime; 2/12/06
     17, Joshua Didick; Johnston State College; 2/13/03
     17, Travis Hillery; Norwich; 2/2/2012

Most assists
  1. 16, Demetrius Cobb; Elms College; 2/15/01
  2. 13, Demetrius Cobb; Emmanuel College; 12/6/01
     13, Demetrius Cobb; Wheaton College; 2/8/01
  4. 12, Adam Andrews; New England College; 12 10 02
     12, Demetrius Cobb; New England College; 02/10/01
     12, Demetrius Cobb; at University of New Eng; 1/10/202
  7. 11, Demetrius Cobb; Becker College; 02/12/01
     11, Demetrius Cobb; at UMass Boston; 11/24/01
     11, Demetrius Cobb; Fitchburg State College; 12/1/01
     11, Jayson Clark; at Albertus Magnus; 01/16/16
     11, Jayson Clark; Rivier University; 2/21/15

Most steals
  1. 9, Jayson Clark; vs Colby Sawyer; 11/19/16
  2. 8, David Shaw; Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01
     8, Joshua Didick; Johnston State College; 2/13/03
  4. 7, Jayson Clark; Pine Manor; 11/18/14
  5. 6, Adam Andrews; vs Albertus Magnus; 11/18/01
     6, DIDICK, Josh; at Husson College; 2-1-04
     6, Jayson Clark; at Saint Joseph's (Me.); 1/6/15
     6, Joshua Didick; at Castleton State Colle; 02/22/03
     6, Joshua Didick; Emmanuel College; 1 30 02
     6, Joshua Didick; at Elms College; 12/9/00
     6, Joshua Didick; at Maine Maritime Academ; 2/9/03
     6, Keith Jones; at Anna Maria; 12/08/11
     6, Matt Bennett; at Norwich University; 02/12/09
     6, Matt Bennett; Norwich University; 1/10/09

Most blocked shots
  1. 7, David Shaw; University Of New Englan; 1/23/01
     7, David Shaw; at WPI; 12/02/99
     7, Otis Thompson; Suffolk University; 01/17/08
     7, Otis Thompson; Castleton State College; 12/11/05
  5. 6, David Shaw; Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01
     6, Scott Chamberlain; Becker College; 2 19 03
     6, Scott Chamberlain; at Thomas College; 2/18/06
  8. 5, Jeff McNair; Norwich; 2/2/2012
     5, Scott Chamberlain; Johnston State College; 2/13/03
 10. 4, CHAMBERLAIN, Scott; WPI; 12/04/03
     4, David Shaw; Becker College; 02/12/01
     4, David Shaw; vs Kean College; 11/18/00
     4, David Shaw; vs Keene State College; 11/18/00
     4, David Shaw; vs Norwich; 11/19/99
     4, David Shaw; at Salem State College; 12/7/00
     4, David Shaw; Lasell College; 2/25/01
     4, David Shaw; Wheaton College; 2/8/01
     4, Jaiquan Wynter; Mitchell College; 12/1/11
     4, Jeff McNair; at St. Joseph's (ME); 01/26/12
     4, Jeff McNair; Framingham State Uni; 12/10/11
     4, Otis Thompson; Thomas College; 1/16/06
     4, Pat McLaughlin; Lasell College; 11/27/01
     4, Patrick McKearney; Rivier University; 1/23/16
     4, Scott Chamberlain; Mitchell College; 02/07/06
     4, Scott Chamberlain; Lasell College; 2 6 03


Most points
Field goals made
Field goals attempted
Field goal percentage
3-point field goals made
3-point field goals attempted
3-point FG percentage
Free throws made
Free throws attempted
Free throw percentage
Most rebounds
Most assists
Most steals
Most blocked shots

Most points
  1. 122, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  2. 110, at Thomas College; 2/18/06
  3. 104, at Worcester Polytechnic; 12/2/00
  4. 102, Rivier University; 2/11/17
  5. 100, Suffolk University; 01/17/08
     100, Thomas College; 1/17/04
     100, at Wheelock College; 12/3/16
  8. 99, at Lesley University; 11/15/11
     99, at New England College; 2/9/02
 10. 97, at Rivier University; 02/04/17
     97, New England College; 11/14/15

Field goals made
  1. 39, Suffolk University; 01/17/08
     39, at Thomas College; 2/18/06
     39, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
     39, at New England College; 2/9/02
  5. 38, vs Lyndon State; 11/16/07
     38, at Wheelock College; 12/3/16
  7. 37, New England College; 02/10/01
     37, at Emmanuel (MA); 11/29/16
     37, Rivier University; 2/11/17
 10. 36, at Becker; 02/01/06
     36, at Suffolk University; 02/19/09
     36, at Roger Williams; 11/15/13
     36, vs Albertus Magnus; 11/18/01
     36, at Worcester Polytechnic; 12/2/00

Field goals attempted
  1. 86, Anna Maria; 11/23/99
  2. 83, vs Bates College; 11/17/01
  3. 82, at Lesley University; 11/15/11
     82, Husson College; 2/21/04
  5. 81, at Albertus Magnus; 02/18/17
  6. 80, New England College; 02/10/01
     80, at Roger Williams; 11/15/13
     80, Johnston State College; 2/13/03
  9. 79, University of Maine Farm; 1/14/06
     79, Albertus Magnus; 2/7/17

Field goal percentage (20 made)
  1. .684, at Thomas College; 2/18/06 (39-57)
  2. .636, at Rivier University; 02/04/17 (35-55)
  3. .628, Emerson College; 02/12/08 (27-43)
  4. .582, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04 (39-67)
  5. .563, at Becker; 02/01/06 (36-64)
  6. .552, at Emmanuel (MA); 11/29/16 (37-67)
  7. .551, vs Lyndon State; 11/16/07 (38-69)
  8. .545, at Worcester Polytechnic; 12/2/00 (36-66)
  9. .542, Suffolk University; 01/17/08 (39-72)
 10. .527, at New England College; 2/9/02 (39-74)

3-point field goals made
  1. 15, at Castleton State Colle; 02/22/03
     15, Norwich; 12/10/16
     15, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  4. 13, Wentworth; 12/12/16
  5. 12, at Norwich; 02/01/17
     12, Emmanuel (MA); 1/12/17
     12, Saint Joe's Maine; 1/19/15
     12, POLM0708; 11/25/07
     12, Lesley; 12/8/16
     12, at Becker College; 2/13/02

3-point field goals attempted
  1. 34, at UMass Lowell; 11/25/14
  2. 33, University Of New Englan; 1/23/01
  3. 32, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  4. 31, Albertus Magnus; 2/7/17
     31, Suffolk; 2/9/16
  6. 30, at Norwich University; 02/12/09
     30, at Castleton State Colle; 02/22/03
     30, at Lasell; 1/10/17
     30, at Nichols; 1/25/03
 10. 29, Emmanuel (MA); 1/12/17
     29, Saint Joe's Maine; 1/19/15
     29, Norwich; 12/10/16
     29, at Becker College; 2/13/02

3-point FG percentage (10 made)
  1. .556, at Elms College; 2/7/04 (10-18)
  2. .542, Wentworth; 12/12/16 (13-24)
  3. .526, Emerson; 12/8/14 (10-19)
  4. .522, at Norwich; 02/01/17 (12-23)
     .522, Lesley; 12/8/16 (12-23)
  6. .517, Norwich; 12/10/16 (15-29)
  7. .500, St. Joseph's (Me.); 02/19/08 (10-20)
     .500, at Castleton State Colle; 02/22/03 (15-30)
  9. .469, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04 (15-32)
 10. .462, POLM0708; 11/25/07 (12-26)

Free throws made
  1. 30, Rivier University; 1/23/16
     30, Albertus Magnus; 2/16/16
  3. 29, University of New Englan; 1/22/02
     29, vs Rhode Island College; 11/18/05
     29, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  6. 28, Johnson & Wales; 1/17/15
     28, vs CSC; 11/22/03
  8. 27, at Emmanuel College; 1/27/09
     27, at Worcester Polytechnic; 12/2/00
 10. 26, Thomas College; 1/17/04
     26, vs Fisher College; 11/16/08

Free throws attempted
  1. 50, at Daniel Webster; 01/10/08
  2. 40, University of New Englan; 1/22/02
     40, vs CSC; 11/22/03
     40, Emerson College; 11/22/08
     40, Albertus Magnus; 2/16/16
     40, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  7. 39, Rivier University; 1/23/16
  8. 38, Norwich University; 1/10/09
     38, vs Rhode Island College; 11/18/05
     38, at Wentworth; 11/25/03

Free throw percentage (10 made)
  1. 1.000, at Saint Joseph's (Me.); 1/16/17 (13-13)
  2. .917, at Saint Joseph's (Me.); 2/6/16 (11-12)
     .917, Suffolk; 2/9/16 (11-12)
  4. .905, at Emmanuel; 2/4/15 (19-21)
  5. .900, UMaine Farmington; 1/18/04 (18-20)
  6. .889, Becker College; 2/24/01 (16-18)
  7. .875, at Amherst College; 11/22/14 (14-16)
  8. .870, at Westfield State; 11/18/16 (20-23)
  9. .867, at Lasell College; 1/31/02 (13-15)
     .867, Emerson College; 2/7/2012 (13-15)

Most rebounds
  1. 60, Anna Maria; 11/23/99
  2. 56, Thomas College; 1/16/06
  3. 55, Mitchell College; 02/07/06
     55, Thomas College; 1/17/04
  5. 53, Suffolk University; 01/17/08
  6. 52, Becker College; 02/12/01
     52, vs Fisher College; 11/16/08
     52, Maine Maritime; 11/28/99
     52, at Fitchburg State; 12/05/13
 10. 51, at Lasell College; 01/19/09
     51, at Albertus Magnus Coll; 02/17/09
     51, Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01
     51, University of New Englan; 1/22/02
     51, Mitchell College; 12/1/11

Most assists
  1. 27, at Emmanuel (MA); 11/29/16
  2. 26, Becker College; 02/12/01
     26, Fitchburg State College; 12/1/01
     26, Elms College; 2/15/01
     26, at Johnson State College; 2/22/04
  6. 25, POLM0708; 11/25/07
     25, at Thomas College; 2/18/06
  8. 24, New England College; 02/10/01
     24, Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01
     24, at Becker College; 1/17/01
     24, Eastern Nazarene College; 2/17/01

Most steals
  1. 21, vs Colby Sawyer; 11/19/16
  2. 20, vs Albertus Magnus; 11/18/01
  3. 18, at Elms College; 12/9/00
  4. 17, vs Mass. College of Libe; 11/19/05
     17, Maine Maritime; 11/28/99
  6. 16, at Becker College; 1/16/03
     16, Rivier College; 1/21/09
     16, Lasell; 11/30/99
     16, Johnston State College; 2/13/03
 10. 15, at Becker; 02/01/06
     15, Mitchell College; 02/07/06
     15, at Norwich University; 02/12/09
     15, Castleton State College; 1/23/03
     15, at Lesley University; 11/15/11
     15, MA College of Libera; 12/2/08

Most blocked shots
  1. 11, Suffolk University; 01/17/08
  2. 10, Castleton State College; 12/11/05
  3. 9, Maine Maritime Academy; 1/14/01
     9, University Of New Englan; 1/23/01
     9, Nichols College; 1/24/02
     9, vs PSU-M; 11/21/03
     9, at WPI; 12/02/99
     9, Mitchell College; 12/1/11
     9, Becker College; 2 19 03
 10. 8, at St. Joseph's (ME); 01/26/12
     8, Thomas College; 1/16/06
     8, at Fitchburg State Men; 1/21/03
     8, at Thomas College; 1/27/01